
Vanced microG for Android

評分 4.3 (419) · 免費 · Android With the app, you can sync your account with the modified app and save information such as your history, subscriptions, or where you left off watching a video.

microG For OGYouTube Apk Download (Latest Version)

MicroG for OG is needed for the functioning of the OG YouTube program as it's the program that fixes bugs and supply upgrades to keep your application updated ...

MicroG - Open

MicroG is an open-source project that aims to provide a free and privacy-friendly alternative to the Google Play Services framework on Android devices.

MicroG For OGYouTube Apk Download (Latest Version)

OGYouTube is program layout for download videos from YouTube. This program is a similar variant of YouTube App for Android, IOS, Windows. Note: ...

microG for OGYT 0.2.2-6-gb04e278-dirty (Android 4.0+)

microG for OGYT 0.2.2-6-gb04e278-dirty (Android 4.0+) APK Download by OGMods - APKMirror Free and safe Android APK downloads.

microG for OGYT 0.2.4-81-gb1e98ea-dirty (Android 2.3+)

I have micro g installed.I have uninstalled and reinstalled different versions including microg, checked all permissions, cleared data, cache.


OGYouTube降版升版沒用,MicroG插件降版升版也一樣沒用… 比較確定是帳號問題,因為別的帳號登入就不會。問題就是不知怎麼排除 ...

[請益] vanced toutube microG - 看板Android

因為發現og youtube沒在更新爬文看到vanced toutube想嘗試但有遇到幾個問題想請教各位1. 在官網下載microg 點擊安裝時卻回報: 剖析套件發生錯誤.

How to install microG from F-Droid for OGYouTube?

So no, you can't just install MicroG from FDroid and make it work. You need to unlock your device, flash a recovery and use a flashable zip like ...

Why Does MicroG APK Important For OGYouTube ?

It is unique YouTube client that lets you download any video from YouTube directly to the memory of your Android device. Best of all, you can do ...


評分4.3(419)·免費·AndroidWiththeapp,youcansyncyouraccountwiththemodifiedappandsaveinformationsuchasyourhistory,subscriptions,orwhereyouleftoffwatchingavideo.,MicroGforOGisneededforthefunctioningoftheOGYouTubeprogramasit'stheprogramthatfixesbugsandsupplyupgradestokeepyourapplicationupdated ...,MicroGisanopen-sourceprojectthataimstoprovideafreeandprivacy-friendlyalternativetotheGooglePlayService...
